Lucas PaPaw Ointment - Treament from Nature

Secret revealed!!!

Loved by many celebrities and makeup artist!!!

The Lucas Papaw Ointment!

Developed by T.P Lucas more than 100 years since 1906!

Lucas Papaw Ointment has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties and may be used as a local topical application on the following.
Minor Burns Chafing Cuts
Gravel Rash Minor Open Wounds
Nappy Rash Scalds
Sunburn Splinters and Thorns
Temporary relief of the symptoms of dermatitis and eczema

Like many others, I have used it on dry chipped lips most as it just moisturise lips instantly~but i had an car exhaust pipe burn recently on my legs (in know stupid isnt it) and been advised to use it on the burn which it helped to heal the wound and reduce the pain quickly.

They comes in a very bright red packaging (like the picture above), which comes in a 75g or 200g jar or a 25g tube, manufactured and packaged in Acacia Ridge Brisbane Australia, which is not far from where i live ^^

So now i carry one of this in my handbag everyday, becuase it is just soooo convenience!

If you need more information or would like to share your thoughts, please do so on my blog!

(I dont know how come this pictures is showing up horizontal even though i saved it as vertical?!?!?)
This is my 6 years old Toy Poodle Named Noodle ^^
Isn't he cute?!??!?!
Anyway, i would love to say Merry X'mas to you all and a happy new year and will see you all in 2012!!!



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